Explorations in Syntactic Government and Subcategorisation
Wednesday 31 August 2011 - Saturday 3 September 2011
University of Cambridge, UK
This international conference is dedicated to the phenomenon of 'syntactic
government', a type of dependency which links linguistic elements making up a clause.
It is generally acknowledged that under government a principal element requires that a dependent
element appears in a particular form. For example, a verb which functions as a predicate may
require that a noun which functions as this predicate's object should appear in genitive case.
Despite a basic consensus, the interpretation of the notions 'principal element', 'dependent
element', and what it means for one element to determine another element's form, can vary
considerably between linguistic frameworks. Likewise, when government as a syntactic dependency is
equated with subcategorisation, there is no consensus about where to draw the lines between
subcategorisation, semantic selection, and co-occurrence.
The conference aims to bring together descriptive linguists, typologists, theoretical,
computational and corpus linguists to debate the notions of syntactic
government and subcategorisation from their different perspectives. The broader aim is to
promote cross-theoretical and cross-disciplinary discussion between linguists working along
different paths in pursuit of the common goal of understanding natural language and modelling
it for computational applications.
Anna Kibort (University of Cambridge) ak243 @ cam.ac.uk
Arturas Ratkus (University of Cambridge) ar392 @ cam.ac.uk
with thanks to George Walkden (University of Cambridge) for help during the conference
The conference is supported by a Conference Support Grant from the British Academy.