Anna Kibort



Grammatical Features   mirrored at:

I created this website as an extension to the Features Project on which I was Research Assistant (2004-2007). I have authored the whole content, including articles which so far total about 50,000 words and are supported by a substantial bibliography. I intend to continue updating and expanding the website, subject to the availability of time and funding.

Syntactic Government Conference

The homepage of the international conference 'Explorations in Syntactic Government and Subcategorisation', held at the University of Cambridge between 31 August - 3 September 2011. I organised the conference as part of my British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship.


The homepage of the 14th International Lexical-Functional Grammar Conference (13-16 July 2009, Trinity College, Cambridge), of which I was the Conference Chair and local organiser.

Workshop on Features

The homepage of the Workshop on Features (1-2 September 2007, London) which I was in charge of organising as the dissemination conference for the Features Project. It brought together linguists who had grappled with features as a component of theoretical models together with others who had considered their range and variability in the world's languages.


Content last updated 24 October 2016
Page last modified 2 March 2010